Thesis Help Online: Where To Look For Free Advice

Are you writing your first thesis? Like any other first it will seem brutal initially especially if you’re unaccustomed to composing similar pieces of writing or if writing is not your forte in general. You can plod through the process on your own doggedly and make some strides but if you are able to swallow your pride, you may be able to progress much faster by asking and accepting the good advice of others. Here are some of the best places to start that search online.

The professor

As bright and academically gifted as you may be, chances are you can learn a thing or two from paying close attention to your professor. Ask him or her different things at different stages of the writing via social media or any other available means. For instance, you can get feedback on whether your selected topic is appropriate or you should return to the drawing board. You can even ask to view the work of previous students who did exceptionally well so you get a better sense of what is expected of you and how it should look when complete.

The other thesis writing students

Just as the person your thesis is being submitted to should have a wealth of useful tips and advice, so too can your colleagues in class. They sit through the same lectures and study the same text but due to their unique personalities and perspectives they can derive a vastly different meaning from it than you do. By working with them and interacting with them online frequently, you can become aware of aspects of the writing process that would have been overlooked by you when working on your own.

The blogs and forums

Some professors think that giving advice encourages weakness. Some batches of students are so competitive and or combative that the idea of helping someone else improve their writing seems ludicrous and they would never do so voluntarily. In such cases you can still access help online if you’re willing to reach out to strangers. Look for academic writing forums or forums dedicated to tertiary level studies in your area. You will get more people to choose from than if you limited your search to people you have only met in person.

As you look for help online make sure that the thesis is the main focus. It’s all too easy to get distracted or lured in by people who pretend to be what they aren’t.

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