Top 10 Exclusive Architecture Dissertation Topic Ideas

Having decided to pursue a degree in Architecture, you will find yourself in time and place where you have to select a topic for the work that will sum up your whole studying process – your dissertation. If you are in trouble with deciding what you want to write about or don't know if the topic you selected is your path to success, our guide will help you choose a topic you can be sure in.

Choosing a topic for an Architecture dissertation: What to pay attention to.

A topic for a work of such importance is not something you can select in a half an hour. The work will take a significant part of your life and require your full attention and effort, so you need to make sure you write on a topic worth spending your time on.

  • Practical significance. If you decide to spend a few years of your life researching a single topic, make sure it will be contributive to your experience and will serve you a good deal in your future work.
  • Relevance, both practical and theoretical. Here you will need to think not only about yourself, but about other scientists as well. Make sure you won't repeat someone else's work and your subject will acutally matter to anyone
  • Personal preferences. Taking into consideration the fact that you will spend at least the next year working on the same topic, you need to choose a topic that will not start to bore you in a month.

10 unique ideas for your dissertation in Architecture.

  1. The needs of social housing in the 21st century and its influence on the modern architectural style.
  2. Modern suburbian areas as a significant part of urbanization process. .
  3. Advantages of using the Public Finance Initiative (PFI) for funding the non-commercial construction.
  4. Architectural issues versus the environmental concerns in process of rebuilding the Heathrow airport.
  5. The assessment of archistectural constructions of Kings Cross station.
  6. The wishful destruction of the architectural style in the buildings of 20th century.
  7. Environment saving techniques used in university buildings: green campuses, energy saving dormitory buildings.
  8. The influence of the building function on the utility placement plans.
  9. The negative lessons of social housing on the example of Soviet Union architecure of the mid-20th century.
  10. The major differences between European and American entertainment constructions tendencies.

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