Crafting A Dissertation Opening Sentence: A Brief Tutorial

The opening sentence for your dissertation is perhaps the most important of sentences that you will have to write for this task. Take some time and think about it, this is like being the MC at an important function. The audience will always look up to you with such admiration, hoping that you can wow them with your presence. The expectations on you are immense, and you are supposed to live up to the expectations.

This is the same thing that you need to think about when you are looking to write a good opening statement for your paper. This statement will go a long way in determining whether you have what it takes to score some good marks. It will also go a long way in helping you ensure that everything you do for this task goes according to plan.

As fate would have it, not so many students know what they really are supposed to do in order to make sure that they are presenting one of the best papers that they have ever written so far. However, let this not deter you from making an effort, because when things get so thick, your teachers will often award marks for the effort, other than not trying at all. For your opening statement, the following are some points that should guide you:

  • Visualize the outcome
  • Stress the main points
  • Be brief but efficient

Visualize the outcome

Perhaps one of the biggest challenges that we have so far as students when it comes to writing the opening sentence is the fact that most of us are not really aware of what the outcome will be. Before you write down a sentence, who don’t you take time and read it out aloud, then from there you can tell whether it sounds right to you.

Stress the main points

A good sentence that is supposed to prime your work for good marks is supposed to have nothing but the main points. It must have everything that you would need in order to convince the reader that your paper is worth their time.

Be brief but efficient

In as much as you are trying to get your hands on some really good words to make this sentence come to light, you are also supposed to make sure that you keep it as efficient as you can, while using as few words as possible.

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