Who Can Help Me with Writing My Dissertation

When you make the decision to embark on a career in science by writing a dissertation, you consciously consent to dedicating a certain period of your life to it. It is not a job that can be done overnight with no effort. It requires weeks of hard work in the library to find all necessary resources, studying to understand the subject in full, months of processing the information and planning the structure and content of the work, and months of zealous writing and editing. The writing stage is probably the most labor-intensive. In most cases, the writers have to force themselves to write. They lock themselves in rooms, turn off mobile phones, switch off the Internet and television, and still have to writhe out words and sentences. Some of the applicants are unable to overcome their writer’s block and abandon the work. However, it is possible to avoid this and facilitate the execution of the task by resorting to some help from other people.

Writing a dissertation is a very specific job, so there are not so many people that can help you do it. Still, you are able to choose between the following options:

  • Dissertation advisor:

    This person should be the first you go to when having troubles with the dissertation. He or she is the one who should encourage and guide you. It is possible that the advisor will be able to show you alternative ways of writing some paragraphs, and drop some hints about their possible contents. However, not all dissertation advisors have enough time and desire to do this. For some of them, advising means only reading and criticizing the drafts you produce.

  • Friends and colleagues:

    If you have embarked on an academic career, this most likely means that you have friends and colleagues in this sphere. Therefore, you can always resort to their help if you have difficulties in formulating your ideas. Even discussing your work with other people can help you overcome your writer’s block. Of course, friends and colleagues will not write the dissertation for you, but they can proofread and criticize it in a friendly yet objective manner.

  • Professional academic coaches and writers:

    If the advisor and friends are unable to help you with writing your dissertation, you can resort to the services provided by professionals. The professional coaches will guide you through every step of the dissertation writing and be with you anytime you get stuck. The writers will do the job for you, and follow all the requirements you have. However, you should bear in mind that these services are not free of charge.

Writing a dissertation is a life-time experience, so enjoy it. If you discover that you cannot do it by yourself, resort to some help.

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