A List Of Interesting College Thesis Topics In Psychology

College students have to negotiate a tough act; that of writing a thesis on a subject they have taken. Now this work cannot be treated in a whimsical or frivolous manner. A lot of labor, analysis and diligence go into it. In the end, it reflects the grasp of the student into his subject.

Natural tilting

Psychology is a subject which most students naturally tilt towards since they get a chance to bypass Math. However, this subject has its own complications and you will note the intricacies when you come across the intimidating thesis work.

Doing justice

The thesis topics may be of various kind; specific or broad. While the former requires a smaller area to inspect, the gravity of the analysis has to be emphatic. Thus, you should choose only those topics you feel you can do justice to.

Here is a list of 15 interesting college thesis topics in psychology –

  1. Analyzing the psyche behind why people become bully – This thorough requires diligent research and investigation.
  2. The impact of mass media in cementing the mindset among females about becoming reed thin – Anorexia is a clear byproduct of fashion contests. Elaborate.
  3. The different types of traumas that an accident victim suffers from and the recuperation methods – An accident victim suffers even after getting fully fit.
  4. Why is a cat born with hunting instincts; when we have to learn everything in life? – This will be an enlightening thesis.
  5. The discrimination of the third sex and the impact of this mindset on them – The neutral gender have always been treated with contempt.
  6. Analyze the core of sibling rivalry – This is a way of life in most families.
  7. Evaluating the psychological strains behind Schizophrenia – The split personality Disorder has lucid psychological strains.
  8. Discuss the long-term implications on the minds of survivors of say, Tsunami or Hurricane Katrina – The survivors keep feeling the repercussions for long.
  9. Evaluate prevalent reasons behind Child Disorder Syndrome – What makes a child disorderly?
  10. Discuss the phenomenon of vibes – Why we automatically feel good or bad about certain strangers – This is again an interesting thesis topic.
  11. Discuss the psychological precept of call centers; an institution with a huge attrition rate – The evolution and success of call centers despite attritions is quite intriguing.
  12. Evaluate the deep-set norms of patriarchy in an average household – Most homes naturally have the father as the head and mother as the care-taker. A report!
  13. Analyze the impact of fear in humans and how it influences other traits, even love – Fear is a dominating attribute in human life.
  14. The strength of camaraderie in enhancing productivity levels of a company – A company that works together rises higher.
  15. Discuss in detail the overall impact of Racism in urban circles and how it affects performances – Racism is perhaps the biggest invisible divider of humanity.

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