Why Is It so Hard to Complete a PhD Thesis?

PhD thesis is not just a degree completion process but can be marked as significant contribution in the field of research. It is not only a long-term process but requires complete diligence, patience, and most important of all, consistency. No matter how much motivated you are to do your doctoral thesis, you still find it so hard at many stages. There can be multiple reasons of the hardship pertaining to PhD dissertation.

  • Need of expertise:
  • For PhD dissertation writing, you need to be at least some level expert in doing research. Even then, it is very natural to go through a lot of depression. Research needs a professional attitude and seriousness towards it. So it is quite hard to go along all the way and reach the destination of its completion.

  • Long duration affects consistency:
  • As PhD dissertation is a very extensive project, one gets exhausted and weary of the process. You keep waiting and asking yourself ‘when will it end?’, ‘Such a long way to go!’ When the answer is ‘a very long way’, it lowers your determination and motivation.

  • Complex structure:
  • PhD thesis comprises of a complicated structure. You need to be aware of the guidelines and follow them in the entire process of dissertation. This major technical aspect of PhD thesis makes it so mechanical that it often pierces the interest of researcher in his own research.

  • Communicating intricate arguments or ideas:
  • It is not simple to convey your own creativity and innovation through a thesis project, especially PhD thesis. It is a tricky process. Assessment of where and how to put some idea to into practice makes it delicate and crafty method. The accuracy of placement of idea is really hard to determine sometimes.

  • Good writing style:
  • You need to be a good writer as well to do PhD research. You need to adopt the skills to write better. For those who lack these skills, it is more difficult to persuade themselves to write well.

  • Depressive phases during dissertation:
  • Depressive phases during dissertation work are quite natural. As this thesis process is much longer, so is the depression. Here, by depression I mean the seriousness and worry that one goes through when doing research. So this elongated stress leads to more troublesome situation for many for completing the PhD thesis.

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