Necessary Hints For Students: Journalism Dissertation Topics

Writing a dissertation paper in journalism can be challenging. You have to stay very careful in choosing a topic. The topic of your dissertation is the first thing your reader and dissertation committee members will notice about your paper. It is recommended that you keep the topic, unique and focused

  • A unique topic is- the one, which has not been discussed before and is your own original idea. Or something that may have been discussed once but is not over dragged or repetitive
  • A focused topic is the one, which is narrowed down and the writer knows what areas he will cover in his paper. By seeing the topic the reader can easily get an idea of what he will find in the rest of the paper

For journalism research papers, it is also important to remember that the research must involve primary research including interviews and surveys. This can even be done on a very basic level where you interview a common person to an executive survey where you interview higher officials of companies.


Dissertation topics for journalism

Women journalist in media should get an equal right and equal opportunities for promotion. What limitations do they face around the globe in journalism?

Under such a topic, you can discuss the role of women in media. Why should they get a chance to work side-by-side men and what countries offer enough freedom to women in working in media. You can include facts and statistics about women and media jobs. You can quote examples of famous women journalists and anchors

Can newspapers do without local ads? Why readers pay for ads they are not interested in

Discuss the importance of local ads for newspapers and show the revenue structure. Explain is it fair to pay for ads readers have no interest in.

Journalism and showbiz, is it fair to have infotainment and misreporting around the major news channels and papers?

Discuss whether current news reporting system is biased or not. Is this how an ideal journalism should be?

Is the war on Afghanistan properly covered by Media, why does the Media has access to the terrorist while governments do not. Is the international media showing a true picture?

The role of media in globalization, explain with examples to support your stance

Are political talk shows worth watching? How they add to our existing information

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